Friday, October 10, 2014

What your Cravings are Really Telling You!

We all have them....those urges to eat foods and drink liquids that our bodies DO NOT need! It's hard to resist and sometimes we think it will even make us feel better to indulge in them (though often we have eaters remorse!) Next time you have the itch to ingest junk, think about what is actually fueling the need. Here is what your body is telling you that you are insufficient in when cravings attack:

Let's start with one of my biggest vices....DUN DUN DUN (that was suspenseful by the way)
When you are craving chocolate, that means your body is deficient in Magnesium. This is a very important mineral for the body and only a small percentage of the population actually gets enough of it! Magnesium is responsible for supporting your immune system and healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It also aids in maintaining strong bones and teeth as well as keeping your organs healthy and efficient. 

When you crave chocolate, try eating magnesium rich foods such as:
Spinach and other deep green veggies
Potatoes (with skin)

Next up, Salty foods....ya know like those chips you want to reach for!! When you are craving salty your body is really trying to tell you one of two things: you are stressed or you're depriving it of 2 specific minerals.  If you are stressed you need to take time for some "me time" to do things such as meditation, yoga, a workout, sit in silence, read a book, take a bath.If you are not stressed reach for foods Chloride and silicon to help mellow out the craving in a healthy way:

Goat Milk
Fatty Fish
Nuts and seeds

Now we ALL get this craving....BREAD! Yummmmy carbs! Yes Yes Indeed! Actually, this craving isn't that far from the truth, we can just make healthier subs to get what we need. When we want breads and pastas our bodies are really saying that we are low in Nitrogen. Nitrogen, as you can imagine is fuel. Like any machine, your body needs fuel to carry out all of its activity. If you are a more active person, you will need more fuel, if you are less active, you won't need as many carbs, but they are still important for your body. Here are some foods to fuel you, fill you, and not put on the bulge that bread most likely would:
Chia seeds
Lean meats

Cheese is another sneaky craving. While some cheeses are good for you, most of them are too fatty or are accompanied by pizza toppings, sauce and a crust! Needless to say, when you are craving fatty cheese, your body needs healthy fat! Fat is so important in a healthy well rounded diet and aids in things such as flatter tummies and healthy weight management. We need fats to lubricate our joints and keep our hearts healthy. Reach for good sources of fat (and not too much of it) when you are feeling the need to cheese!
Nut butters
extra virgin olive oil....EVOO to you fitness fanatics out there

And very last, if you are having an extra hungry kind of a day, you need water!!! About half the time that you feel hungry, your body is really trying to alert you that you have not consumed enough H20. We need half of our body weight in ounces to stay at the proper hydration level. It's important for our organs, for our hair skin and nails, (I know skin IS an organ) and for our overall health. 

All of these vitamins and minerals, plus tons that I did not even mention (around 70) are in Shakeology: the nutrition shake I've been drinking for over 3 years. Shakeology, when drank daily reduces your cravings and supports healthier eating. If you find that you cannot control your cravings with the foods that I listed, you may want to incorporate this drink into your daily diet. Feel free to get in contact with me on here or facebook @ or look at the website to see what this drink is really all about

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