Saturday, October 11, 2014

Find your Why

Everything that we do in life, we do for a reason. We work to make money, we make money to pay the bills, we pay the bills to survive. Those are basic, but what about hobbies, leisure, extra curricular kind of things? Fitness for example, you don't have to do it to survive, it usually doesn't pay the bills, so why? Apply a why to anything that you want to be successful in, but as usual, my post will focus on fitness.

When you are starting something, you need that sense of purpose. There is more to it than just setting yourself goals, though that is an important part to succeeding at what you do. WHY? Why do you want to reach this goal? Why is it important for you to start now? Your why, is the base of your journey and therefore you need to know it well. 

Sometimes this takes a lot of thought, you can't just answer it quickly and simply. I got started because I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired....but that isn't a very strong base. I sat around a little at a time over a span of 3 days to come up with a deeper and more meaningful why. I started to think about health, I thought about family, I thought about my future, what I wanted to be. After pondering for several days who I wanted to be versus who I was, I was able to finally sit down and write my WHY.

My personal why, which is in my fitness binder, is rather lengthy so I won't share the entire thing, but rather give you the highlights of what I came up with:

Why Am I Committed to Fitness? I want to be around for my children, and not just around, but actively involved in their lives. I want to take them to their ball games, volunteer for functions, ride roller coasters with them, play outside with them, and not feel sluggish and tired. I want to be healthy so that I don't spend time in the doctor's office instead of with my family, so that my family doesn't have to worry about me, so that I don't have to worry about if I will be around long enough to become a grandmother. I want QUALITY of life, I want to be an active participant in this world and not just an onlooker. Leading a fit life with healthy eating is the best way to ensure that all of this happens. 

All my life I've had to weather storms: In Texas and Georgia it's been tornadoes, in Washington, Colorado and Maine it was Snowstorms, everywhere has had bad Thunderstorms. I like to think of my Why as my fallout shelter. In the event of a storm we would gather in the basement or a small enclosed room on the bottom floor of the house. It's a safe place where you can ride out the storm. We all have emotional ups and downs, we all have failures and successes, we all have doubts and despair. When you are in a bad point in your journey and you feel like giving up, that's when you revisit your why. Really read over it and let it soak in, why did you start, why do you continue? Without a storm shelter you aren't likely to survive the storm, without a base your house has no foundation, without a why your success is left shaky.

Take time, think about your life, think about what is important to you, devise a why, write it down, and refer back to it as needed! I wrote mine over 3 years ago and it still applies to my life to this day. A good why is timeless, so don't be afraid to put a little time into writing it out! 

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