Sunday, September 28, 2014

Having the right friends

There's nothing on this planet that's worth investing more into than yourself. If you want to be successful, happy, and the best version of yourself that you can be (who doesn't), then you need to be surrounded by the right kind of people.

You've heard it before, but here it is again: Quality over Quantity. You can have 1,000 aquantances but feel pretty dang lonely, especially when times get tough. Instead, you should engage in deeper connections. If you have trustworthy, loyal friends who care about you, there's really no time for those 1,000 nobodies. It takes time and commitment to have the right people in your life. Though that sounds like a chore, it pays off when you do need help or are going through rough times. 

Attitudes are contagious. If the people around you are in rotten moods, you are bound to contract some of those symptoms. Likewise, if you surround yourself with people who love life, love others, and are generally happy energetic people, you will catch the fever! Instead of getting caught up in dramas and "poor me"stories, you are going too see life in a whole new light. Positive people look at the bright side of things, even when you think there is only darkness. These people are important to your own character development and personal successes.

It may sound selfish, but dump the drama queens and kings! They will only drag you down. You need to be around people who lift you up. It's hard to break up with people that you feel are friends, but in reality, if they are toxic, they need to go! If you knew the food in your house that you just invested money in was contaminated with a toxic chemical, would you eat it or throw it away and call it a loss? Same with friendships, it doesn't matter your history and what has been invested, it's the future that is important.

Sadly, sometimes it takes a hard time to realize who your true friends are, but it gives you a clear view of who should be important to you. Now that you have pinpointed those friends worth being a part of your life, you need to be the same kind of friend to them. They give you support when it's needed and they celebrate your achievements, you need to genuinely want to return the favor. One sided friendships aren't healthy and not fair to people who are making a positive impact on your life. Be the kind of friend that you would like to have.

So, What you need to take away from all of this is simple: Find quality friends who are strong enough to lift you up in bad times and celebrate you in good times. Likewise, be that positive person to others! It feels good to have a friend that is like that and to be a great friend yourself. It will be hundreds of times harder to become successful and lead a happy life if you don't sift through your friends and cherish the legitimate relationships while detaching from the superfluous!

Now go out there and be the best version of yourself that you can be with the best friends a person could ask for!